Дата: Понедельник, 18.07.2011, 20:03 | Сообщение # 1
Описание аксессуаров слево направо в игре.Картинки и перевод будут когда будет настроение.
Accessory #1: Red Fierce Bull (+2000 HP)
Accessory #2: Silver Fierce Bull (+3000 HP)
Accessory #3: Gold Fierce Bull (+4000 HP)
Accessory #4: Grey Young Lion (+100 Attack)
Accessory #5: Red Young Lion (+150 Attack)
Accessory #6: Gold Young Lion (+200 Attack)
Accessory #7: Grey Ancient Tortoise (+150 Defence)
Accessory #8: Silver Ancient Tortoise (+250 Defence)
Accessory #9: Gold Ancient Tortoise (+400 Defence)
Accessory #10: Gray Crane (Basara gauge increases faster by 15%)
Accessory #11: Jade Crane (Basara gauge increases faster by 20%)
Accessory #12: Gold Crane (Basara gauge increases faster by 25%)
Accessory #13: Gray Boar (Basara Attack increases by 15%)
Accessory #14: Yellow Boar (Basara Attack increases by 20%)
Accessory #15: Gold Boar (Basara Attack increases by 25%)
Accessory #16: Gray Catfish (KO enemies with one hit = 3 Zennys)
Accessory #17: Rusty Catfish (KO enemies with one hit = 4 Zennys)
Accessory #18: Gold Catfish (KO enemies with one hit = 5 Zennys)
Accessory #19: Gray Mantis (Attack and defense increase at HP critical by 200)
Accessory #20: Pantina Mantis (Attack and defense increase at HP critical
by 300)
Accessory #21: Gold Mantis (Attack and defense increase at HP critical by 400)
Accessory #22: Gray Handcart (Luck and Great Hatena Box chance by 10%)
Accessory #23: Indigo Handcart (Luck and Great Hatena Box chance by 15%)
Accessory #24: Gold Handcart (Luck and Great Hatena Box chance by 20%)
Accessory #25: Gray Centipede (Enemy Guard Break and dizzy chance up by 5%)
Accessory #26: Garnet Centipede (Enemy Guard Break and dizzy chance up by 15%)
Accessory #27: Gold Centipede (Enemy Guard Break and dizzy chance up by 25%)
Accessory #28: Gray Shoulder pad (Decrease stun, guard break and dizzy by 5%)
Accessory #29: Blue Shoulder pad (Decrease stun, guard break and dizzy by 15%)
Accessory #30: Gold Shoulder pad (Decrease stun, guard break and dizzy by 25%)
Accessory #31: Ebony Skull (Increase critical hits by 5%)
Accessory #32: Ivory Skull (Increase critical hits by 10%)
Accessory #33: Gold Skull (Increase critical hits by 20%)
Accessory #34: Gray Tiger (Attack power increased during Hero Time by 300)
Accessory #35: Yellow Tiger (Attack power increased during Hero Time by 400)
Accessory #36: Gold Tiger (Attack power increased during Hero Time by 500)
Accessory #37: Gray Phoenix (Fill Hero gauge quickly when enemys are KO'd by
Accessory #38: Jade Phoenix (Fill Hero gauge quickly when enemys are KO'd by
Accessory #39: Gold Phoenix (Fill Hero gauge quickly when enemys are KO'd by
Accessory #40: Gray Pumpkin (Decrease attack power by 5%)
Accessory #41: Pink Pumpkin (Decrease attack power by 10%)
Accessory #42: Gold Pumpkin (Decrease attack power by 15%)
Accessory #43: Gray Fan (Increase attack power for attacks on camp commanders
by 300)
Accessory #44: Glimmering Fan (Increase attack power for attacks on camp
commanders by 400)
Accessory #45: Gold Fan (Increase attack power for attacks on camp commanders
by 500)
Accessory #46: Gray Sakura (Elemental Chance increase by 5%)
Accessory #47: Coral Sakura (Elemental Chance increase by 8%)
Accessory #48: Gold Sakura (Elemental Chance increase by 10%)
Accessory #49: Gray Crab (Increase attack power for parries by 2000)
Accessory #50: Brown Crab (Increase attack power for parries by 3000)
Accessory #51: Gold Crab (Increase attack power for parries by 4000)
Accessory #52: Gray Grasshopper (Attack power for air attacks increased by)
Accessory #53: Green Grasshopper
Accessory #54: Gold Grasshopper
Accessory #55: Gray Halberd (Attack power increased for 1st lvl attacks of
normal arts)
Accessory #56: Cobalt Halberd
Accessory #57: Gold Halberd
Accessory #58: Gray Workhorse (Increase attack power greatly for the first
10 seconds of battle; multiples increase attack power)
Accessory #59: Ochre Workhorse
Accessory #60: Gold Workhorse
Accessory #61: Gray Rice Ball (Increase the effects of recovery items by)
Accessory #62: Silver Rice Ball
Accessory #63: Gold Rice Ball
Accessory #64: Gray Oyster (Increase attack power when ally camps are reached by
Accessory #65: Cerulean Oyster (Increase attack power when ally camps are
reached by)
Accessory #66: Gold Oyster
Accessory #67: Gray Dragon (Attack up when health, hero and basara are full)
Accessory #68: Azure Dragon
Accessory #69: Gold Dragon
Accessory #70: Gray Hen (Increase attack and defense when an ally performs a
Basara Assist. Note: Works 10 times only)
Accessory #71: Claret Hen
Accessory #72: Gold Hen
-)Elemental Accessories(-
Скорее всего распространяеться только на вашего бодигарда,на солдат маловероятно но возможно.Так же если ваше оружие не элементальное то элемент переходит и к вам.
Accessory #73: Fire Elemental Charm (Союзники атакуют огнём)
Accessory #74: Ice Elemental Charm (Союзники атакуют льдом.)
Accessory #75: Lightning Elemental Charm (Союзники атакують молнией.)
Accessory #76: Darkness Elemental Charm (Союзники атакуют тёмным элементом.)
Accessory #77: Light Elemental Charm (Союзники атакуют элементом света.)
Accessory #78: Wind Elemental Charm (Союзники атакуют элементом ветра.)
-)Slaying Accessories(-
Accessory #79: Seal of Archer Slaying (3x damage on ranged soldiers such as
bowmen and gunmen)
Accessory #80: Seal of Shield Slaying (3x damage to shields, allowing 1-hit
destroy on them)
Accessory #81: Seal of Giant Slaying (3x damage to Occupational chiefs and
large soldiers with fans, hammers or fists)
Accessory #82: Seal of Ninja Slaying (3x damage to Ninjas)
Accessory #83: Seal of Machine Slaying (3x damage to machinery and 1-hit
destroy on traps)
Accessory #84:Seal of Beast Slaying (3x damage to Beasts such as tigers,
-)Music Accessories(-
Accessory #85: Rod of the Flatter (allies flatter you with encouragement)
Accessory #86: Encouraging Wig (Delicate encouragement given increases
the will to fight*) (*Not an actual guarantee!)
Accessory #87: Boisterous Lute (During battle, opening theme is played)
Accessory #88: Boisterous Koto (During battle, closing theme is played)
Accessory #89: Actor's Hand Drum (During battle, music changes to the player's
Accessory #90: Cheering Bamboo Flute (During battle, music changes to the
ally character's theme (no effect with 2 players))
-)Special Accessories(-
Accessory #91: Saisou's Grass (Cannot be stunned by guns or bows)
Accessory #92: Matabei's War Fan (All hits are doubled with a Basara attack)
Accessory #93: Reins of Pursuit (Mounted hits are doubled when you're on a
Accessory #94: Trinity Jewels (When health, Basara and Hero gauge is full,
all hits are tripled.)
Accessory #95: Time master's whip (The combo does not go back to zero when
you're mounted or until you are hit.)
Accessory #96: Gold Mallet (For every 100 KOs, instead of receiving a riceball
you receive a Gold Mallet which adds 1 to your multiplier.)
Accessory #97: Sunglasses (Sacrifice your visibility of your health gauge for
0.5 EXP added to the multiplier at the end of battle)
Accessory #98: Wine Goblet (Double EXP for completing special objectives)
Accessory #99: Holy Water of Defence (Have the Basara gauge full at the start
of a battle. Great for pre-emptive battles!)
Accessory #100: Sengoku Hot Spring (Have the Hero gauge full at the start
of a battle. Great for pre-emptive battles!)
Accessory #101: Uesugi's Salt (Double health for enemies)
Accessory #102: Leaping Assassin (Air attacks produce more Zennys when enemies
are defeated airborne)
Accessory #103: Dueling Swords (When a duel is won, recover some health. Does
not work when there are 2 players)
Accessory #104: Dizzy Bell (Recovery from dizzy status or stun is shortened)
Accessory #105: Easy Money Purse (Rate of coins increases by +4 but when taken
damage, total Zenny count is halved. E.g. 30000Z will be halved to 15000Z.)
Accessory #106: Vile Writings (When you taunt, Basara gauge fills)
Accessory #107: Teachings of the Eighth Sister (The eighth attack will always
be a critical hit)
Accessory #108: Tabi of Mirror Image (When evading, increase the length of
invisibility while dodging attacks)
Accessory #109: Fool's Law (Deal 1.5x damage on enemies while the player
takes 3x the damage made by the enemy.)
Accessory #110: Last Line of Defense (Your health will always be at critical
HP in the Red but the EXP multiplier is increased by 1)
Accessory #111: Gauntlets of Imperial Wrath (While guarding, Ranged attacks by
enemies will automatically be reflected back at them)
Accessory #112: Oar of Thunderous Blows (When using a blowback attack, the
range is increased by the impact of the attack.)
Accessory #113: Charging Wild Horse (Increase attack power when ranged)
Accessory #114: Hit of Deflection (When parrying attacks, the length of the
impact is increased)
Accessory #115: Sengoku Jewels (Every 5 KOs gains 1 second on the Hero gauge.
Meaning instead of receiving 2 seconds, you gain 3 seconds.)
Accessory #116: Passionate Ritual Tools (The length of your Basara and Frenzy
judgment is increased by 5 seconds)
Accessory #117: Rengeki Folding Fan (The length between the hits made on
enemies in a combo chain is increased)
Accessory #118: Sengoku Battle Formation (The Hero gauge is doubled when a
camp is captured)
Accessory #119: Time Deceiving Machine (Duration of Attack Up, Defence Up and
Attack Money is increased by 10 seconds)
Accessory #120: Kiyomasa's Tiger Hide (Reduce damage from Enemies by 25%)
Сообщение отредактировал Марк92 - Понедельник, 18.07.2011, 20:04
Ах!Сегодня хорошо,
Выпил я с утра вина!
Проматаю я все деньги,
Пусть удавиться жена!
Было бы всегда бы так,был бы может не дурак.
Дата: Понедельник, 18.07.2011, 22:40 | Сообщение # 2
Биг спс жду перевода